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Self-Care During the Holidays

Self-Care During the Holidays

For many Americans, the holidays are a time to let yourself go and not worry about things until January 1st and the inevitable New Year’s Resolution. But for caregivers, this isn’t always an option.

Self-care is important to include in your daily plan, especially if your job is taking care of others. If you’re sick, rundown, or stressed, it impacts not only your health, but also that of your loved one or patient.

Here are 4 ways you can take care of yourself this holiday season and not feel burned out by the time January rolls around:

  • Be Grateful — One of the best ways to relieve stress and create a general sense of positivity is to express gratitude for the things around you. This means you should take time as the year ends to reflect back on what you have to be grateful for in the past year. If you keep a gratitude journal, now is the perfect time to re-read it. Holiday cards also afford you the opportunity to send notes of gratitude to those who have helped you in the past.
  • Get Some Exercise — The holidays are a time when a lot of us pack on a few extra pounds from all of the family meals and treats. This is fine, but make some time to exercise. The act of exercising not only helps release endorphins that can elevate your mood, but it will also help you feel better about yourself and not let weight gain add to holiday depression.
  • Treat Yourself — The holidays can be especially stressful because many people are rushing around trying to find the “perfect” gift for everyone on their Christmas list. This year don’t worry so much about that. Instead, take a minute while you are at the mall and get something for yourself. You are probably going to get lots of gifts you don’t need or want. So, why not get yourself something that you know you will like and can be used to keep you healthy in the New Year?
  • Get Plenty of Rest — One of the worst things you can do to your body and your overall health is staying up too late. If you attend parties and family get-togethers, enjoy yourself. But make sure you get home in time to get a full night’s sleep. If you’re traveling to visit with family, give yourself plenty of time to recover physically and mentally. Sleep deprivation, especially with the holiday stress, can really wreck you.

For the holidays this year, do something for yourself and make sure that you practice self-care. If you let your physical or mental well-being drop off, then you are endangering not only yourself, but also the health and well-being of the person you care for.

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